I am Vanessa Montanari, a clinical research associate, a project manager and general manager, for 5 years, for Pharmaspecific, my own company of service offer, in clinical research.
The project to create this blog meant a lot to me since a moment. I created a space of exchange where I share with you, experience feedback, information, current events and working tools, mainly around clinical research associate. It is a space as this one that I shall have wanted to find more than 10 years ago when I began in this environment.
The blog is from now on ready, we do not have more than to make him live. Leave me your notices and tell me which types of articles you would like to see. I shall answer at best your expectations.
Also keep contact with me thanks to the form.
Happy reading and see you soon ! Vanessa Montanari To get on the blog , click here: www.blogdelarechercheclinique.com